Harder Funeral Home’s traditional service followed by cremation begins similarly to a full traditional service. Family and friends are allowed visitation time followed by a funeral home or church service. Once these traditional services are complete, cremation takes place. The family will decide how to honor the cremated remains.
The cremation with memorial service honors your loved one following the cremation process. An urn will take place of a casket at the church or funeral home service. After the day’s services, the family may choose in what way to honor their loved one’s ashes.
Similar to our direct burial service, your loved one will be cremated immediately for burial or to be returned to the family. While this option leaves no time for visitation or funeral services, your family may hold a graveside or memorial service.
Memorial services honor your loved one even when their body is not physically present. It is a time to gather, celebrate and share memories of loved ones. This service may be held wherever the family desires.
Whether your loved one left instructions for how to honor their ashes, there are many options families may choose from. Some examples include:
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